Expresso is a little tool to edit texts and improve your writing style. It will teach you to express yourself through writing more efficiently and help make your texts more readable, precise, and engaging. Expresso does not save entered texts to protect privacy. To learn more about Expresso: understand How to use, learn about text style Metrics, or do a quick interactive Tutorial.
synonyms | hover mouse over words in text to see synonyms |
weak verbs | |
filler words | |
nominalizations | |
entity substitutions | |
negations per sentence | |
clustered nouns | |
long noun phrases | |
passive voice per sentence | |
modals | |
rare words | |
extra long sentences | |
extra short sentences | |
fragments | |
clause-heavy sentences | |
late predicates | |
detached subjects | |
frequent words | |
frequent bigrams | |
frequent trigrams |
characters | |
words | |
vocabulary size | |
sentences | |
clauses per sentence | |
predicate depth per sentence | |
words per sentence | |
syllables per word | |
characters per word | |
readability grade | |
nouns | |
pronouns | |
verbs | |
adjectives | |
adverbs | |
other parts of speech | |
declarative sentences | |
interrogative sentences | |
exclamative sentences | |
simple sentences | |
complex sentences | |
compound sentences | |
complex-compound sentences | |
stopwords |